Growing male breasts are a concern for many men these days who are seeking ways to make themselves more feminine.
Just as for women, there are various options to choose from. The most popular is augmentation surgery, but due to the extremely high costs, potential for complications and often undesirable results, more and more men, as well as women, are opting for natural alternatives.
For a male wanting breasts to grow, an estrogen based supplement may be helpful, as the contain natural ingredients that can mimic the effects of the female hormone, while inhibiting testosterone production.
There are a number of these supplements on the market, but be aware that not all of them are created equal. Some will not be as effective as others, and will vary in the degree of male to female breast transformation.
Although results will vary from one individual to another, according to some testimonials growing male breasts is possible with estrogen-based supplements. There are now formulas blended specifically for men, in response to increasing popularity.
One of the most promising supplements for a male wanting breasts to grow is called Bust Fuel, a natural breast enhancement product geared towards females that might help stimulate estrogen production in men.
There are a few other male to female breast products in the pipeline that we will review once they come to market. Since most are relatively new the jury is still out on them. Can a male enlarge his breasts naturally is the question, so we'll have to see how it plays out. If you have any experience with this product, please let us know.
If you are a male wanting breasts to grow please consult your doctor before taking any supplements.
more than growing male breasts on our natural breast enhancement home page